Unofficially Summer

22 05 2011

Summer’s official start is generally recognized to be June 21 (or, more specifically, the Summer Solstice). But for many of us, the “May 24” long weekend has traditionally heralded the arrival of the warmer weather and released us to once again enjoy outdoor living. Here’s hoping you are all making the best of this seasonal (and uniquely ours) celebration. As you stock up on charcoal, hose off the lawn chairs and otherwise prepare for summertime, however, take a moment to think about the season change from another perspective…

The network of community service providers whose programs and supports are vital to so many of our neighbours and fellow citizens approach the summer months with a different view than most of us: will there be enough food at the food banks to respond to the increase in demand that generally happens when school lets out? how can we best utilize the summer students who will be helping us? how many days of dangerously high temperatures are we in for and are we ready to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable? will our board volunteers meet over the summer? will enough donors remember us when our fundraising appeal comes during their summer vacation? how will the coming provincial election impact our ability to provide services? have we recruited enough replacements for our key volunteers who will be leaving for holidays?

The community engine that responds to human needs is ever running. There is no vacation for the safety net that is vitally essential to the health and wellbeing of our most vulnerable citizens. The ongoing activities that keep this engine running are often unseen but always imporant. Taking time to consider that as we plan our summers can only add to the strength of the response. As we take time out to enjoy the season, we may also be in a position to help make sure it’s a good summer for all.  Worth thinking about.



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